I'm not the type to come out and tell you when I've been influenced by you, or when you've made a difference in my life. I'm a very thought oriented person, but maybe I can express some of these feelings through typed words.
We talk in this Church about being examples to others, about helping others see the light of Christ through our good deeds and actions. When we talk of this we are mainly refering to those who are not of our faith. What we neglect to realize is that we are examples to those within our church, I would argue, even more than those outside of our religion. I'm a prime example.
I'd first like to start just over a year ago when I found myself in my home town of Titusville Florida struggling to find a friend with the kind of values I had. That may come across strange seeing as I was 23 years old. But, where I lived there were no guys my age, or girls for that matter, that went to my ward. I began to drive the 60 some miles to the closest singles ward, this just wasn't cutting it. I prayed, quite physically and emotionally, daily that God would bring someone into my life to be my friend. Then he did. Gerrard and Josh, who lived in Titusville at the time but were somewhat anti-social, came into my lives and we spent every waking moment together through 2010. The friendship that was developed was one that i'm sure changed all 3 of our lives.
So, back to being an example. When the time came to leave Florida and make the trek to Idaho I had one worry on my mind. Forget school, grades, money and even finding a wife ( finding a wife should have been easy right?), I was worried about finding the same kind of friends that had just had such an amazing impact on my life. I wondered if I could find the kind of friends that Gerrard and Josh were to me. I prayed on this, I think moreso than anything else.
When I got to school I was almost over-whelmed with the harsh reality that I didnt know anyone here and I was 2500 miles from home. It only took me a few weeks to realize the blessings the Lord had given me. My room mates have changed my life. Looking forward to right now, May 22 the middle of my second semester, I can see the reason that I live in 904. It may have taken till now to fully get to know my room mates, but looking back I see changes in my life because of their example to me. Its unreal how the Lord knew exactly what I needed in my life then found 5 guys who would be inspirations to me and brought us together.
They have been examples to me, Im sure, without meaning to be. They've created an atmosphere that reminds me of home, a feeling and spirit of a home. Something that Im sure Blaine never realized would have such a big impact on me happened yesterday at Dairy Queen. There is this game that you put change into and if you catch your coin on the little stopper at the bottom you win an ice cream cone. We soon realized that if you tipped the machine you could easily land the coin on the stopper without problem or effort. So, we did just that, mainly as a joke, but looking to perhaps claim our prize. Blaines comment will be one that I will not soon forget and im sure has meant more to me than any talk or discourse ive heard the whole time ive been at this school. He said, "guys, my word is worth more than an ice cream cone." I was shocked, blown away that I myself over looked the fact that what I was doing was lying and in flat out stealing. His comment hit me hard and has surely changed my life. Some people go through life worrying about money, and accumulating wealth; I worry about keeping strong the friendships ive made here.
I live through the examples of others, this is where I gain my strength. My time here at BYU-Idaho has been nothing but experiences like this. Mostly stemming from the friends I prayed and pleaded with the Lord to bring into my life.
Be an example, don't miss an opportunity to "let your light shine" and change someones life. It's changed mine.
ReplyDeleteAnd you:)
I love this post. We are all so blessed with such amazing friends.